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Welcome to our school website. If you wish to contact us, please email officeonthehill@hillyfieldacademy.com or officeatthepark@hillyfieldacademy.com, thank you. All updates to parents and carers are communicated via SchoolPing, paper copies are available on request from the school office.
Prospective Parents for 2024-2025 Reception Places - Please click on the link below for information about Hillyfield Academy.

Brilliance in Every Child, Excellence Every Day

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Hillyfield Primary Academy.

We hope you find the information on our website useful and that it encourages you to find out more about our wonderful school. We are immensely proud of our children’s and community’s achievements and our talented, committed and forward thinking staff team.

Hillyfield is a unique place of learning forged around a deep care for children’s safety and wellbeing and the provision for an holistic approach to education that supports a child’s personal development, social interaction and academic achievement. At the heart of it all is the value we hold to creating a strong sense of belonging, nurturing talent, developing aspirations and having fun.

We believe that every child has a ‘brilliance’, something about them which is special and unique. In partnership with parents, we take on the responsibility to make sure each child’s brilliance is nurtured and developed so that they feel valued and successful. The children understand that ‘brilliance’ can take many forms: we have children at Hillyfield who are linguists, exciting performers, talented athletes, exceptionally empathetic, innovators & devoted friends….the list goes on.

We want Hillyfield children to harness the skills to shape confident, well-rounded, resilient and hard-working individuals. Through our broad and enriched curriculum, we offer access to high quality teaching, specialist teaching and creative approaches so that children can articulate their brilliance and be proud of themselves.

Our values, expectations and behaviours are very important to us. They provide the  foundations for the way we conduct ourselves and the actions we take in developing a strong learning culture and high performing team. They embed a fierce drive to cherish identity, celebrate diversity and ensure inclusion and equality for all of us.

Our drive for ‘excellence’ enables each child to reach their full potential. Being part of the Hillyfield community is not just about what we do, it is about who we are and why we are here.

Roddy Fairclough

اگر آپ کو ترجمہ شدہ کسی بھی معلومات کی ضرورت ہو تو براہ کرم اسکول کے دفتر سے رابطہ کریں۔ - Jeżeli potrzebują Państwo pomocy z przetłumaczeniem jakichkolwiek informacji, proszę skontaktować się z biurem szkoły - haddii aad u baahan tahay wax turjuman, fadlan la xidhiidh xafiiska dugsiga - உங்களுக்கு ஏதேனும் தகவல் தேவைப்பட்டால், பள்ளி அலுவலகத்தை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் -
dacă aveți nevoie de ceva tradus, vă rugăm să contactați biroul școlii - Çevrilmiş herhangi bir bilgiye ihtiyacınız varsa, lütfen okul ofisi ile iletişime geçiniz - Si necesitas ayuda con la traducción de algunos de los contenidos del colegio, por favor contacta la oficina - Если Вам нужна помощь с переводом какой-либо информации на русский язык, пожалуйста, обращайтесь в офис.

Vision & Values

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    22 March 2024
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    15 March 2024
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    8 March 2024
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    1 March 2024
    Newsletter - 1st March 2024
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