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PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economics Curriculum

Click the link below to see the Curriculum Map for PSHE


At Hillyfield Primary Academy, the intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is knowledgeable of all, appreciative of all and accessible to all.  PSHE is integrated in all that we do at Hillyfield and this results in happy, healthy, independent and responsible members of society who have a love for learning. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We also provide opportunities for our children to learn about British Values (Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs). As a result of this, our pupils will be able to appreciate what it means to be a part of a diverse society, whilst developing their sense of self-worth and identity by contributing to school life and the wider community.
Knowledge, skills and understanding, framework objectives and key vocabulary are explicitly set out in the PSHE long term plan. Children are provided with opportunities that allow them to develop their cultural capital through clearly planned enriching experiences such as visits from members of the emergency services and pharmacists etc. The PSHE progression overview depicts the journey pupils take in their PSHE journey, across key stages.


At Hillyfield, we use the 1decision scheme of work, which is mapped against the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study.  1decision is carefully mapped to ensure knowledge and skills are continually built upon and is taught in discrete lessons, a minimum of, twice per half term. For example, at the end of Key Stage 1, children will understand what to do if unsure when using the internet and by the end of Key Stage 2, children will identify ways to keep themselves and others safe in a range of situations online and offline. The nature of PSHE also allows for spontaneous learning opportunities to be implemented based on any issues that may arise e.g circle time regarding friendship). 1Decision’s scheme of work reflects the world that we live in and the school’s local context. Its’ resources are continually updated which support addressing gaps in children’s knowledge in the areas of PSHE and safeguarding. 1Decision resources are designed to be inclusive and they ensure that all pupils receive high quality teaching in PSHE to allow pupils to develop the knowledge and skills required. 

The 1Decision scheme of work consists of 6 main core themes:

Keeping/ Staying Safe
Keeping/ Staying Healthy 
Growing and Changing 
Being Responsible 
Feelings and Emotions 
Computer Safety 
Our World/The Working World 
Hazard Watch 
A World Without Judgement 

1Decision also contains additional content which covers:
Fire Safety 
First Aid 

Pupils complete a self assessment at the beginning and end of a new topic. This is a useful tool in enabling our children to articulate their learning and being aware of their next steps. Teachers use this to confirm their judgements and tweak teaching to adapt to each child’s needs.


At Hillyfield, we are proud of the PSHE curriculum we offer as it helps shape our children into well-rounded, respectful and independent pupils. The effect our curriculum has on our pupils is evident in their attitudes and behaviour to learning that can be seen both, within lessons, around the school building and at playtimes. Our pupils leave Year 6 equipped with necessary life skills to help them to successfully transition into secondary school. Our children are provided with the tools needed for them to succeed and to keep safe in order to thrive in an ever changing Britain.

RSHE - Relationships, Sex and Health Education

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