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Modern Foreign Languages

At Hillyfield Academy, we intend for all children to develop a positive attitude and passion for language learning that helps to create a curiosity and a genuine appreciation for the ever developing multicultural world. Language learning in primary school helps to promote a sense of belonging, provides cultural capital to all learners as well as planting a seed for future choices in secondary school.

Hillyfield Academy uses the Language Angels scheme of work and resources to ensure we offer a relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious foreign languages curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide variety of real world topics. All pupils are challenged to achieve their full potential by encouraging high expectations and excellent standards throughout  their foreign language learning - the ultimate aim being that pupils will feel willing and able to continue studying languages beyond key stage 2.

The four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught and all necessary grammar is covered in an age-appropriate way across the primary phase. Differentiation is considered for all learners including those with SEND, with specific resources pitched at emerging, expected and greater depth for the year group; fluent speakers or first language speakers of French are challenged by becoming expert lead learners who help to foster an authentic language learning experience. These skills and considerations enable pupils to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts, laying down solid foundations for future language learning and also helping the children improve overall attainment in other subject areas.

All pupils will be given enrichment opportunities to further practice and develop their language learning skills. For example in The Early Years and KS1, pupils are given the opportunity to learn vocabulary through stories, songs and play which lead to an exciting performance. Learners in KS2 study topics that are relevant to them (‘In The Classroom’, ‘All About Me’, ‘Family’ and ‘On the Weekend) and are given the opportunity to practise their skills in enriching ways for example:
Pen Pal- Link with a school in a french speaking country. Write an email/letter describing school life in England.
Create a 3D model in the design and technology room of their home using their french vocabulary.
Fruit salad picnic- recipe in french number and fruits.


At Hillyfield Academy all children have access to a high-quality foreign language curriculum using the Language Angels scheme of work and resources. This scheme progressively develops pupil skills in French through regularly taught, well planned and adapted lessons. Pupils from both KS1 and KS2 are taught by their class teacher and assisted by ‘expert’ children whose first language is French.

All children will progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organised around age-appropriate topics and themes- building blocks of language into more complex, fluent and authentic language as they move through their language learning journey.

At Hillyfield Academy we begin our language learning journey using the Early Language units on the Language Angels. This is most appropriate for KS1 and Year 3. Pupils in Year 4,5 and 6 then progress to the Intermediate units. These units increase in challenge and complexity by including French grammar concepts.

Early Language Units (entry level) and Core Vocabulary lessons are designed to run for approximately 30 minutes. Intermediate units are designed to run for approximately 45 minutes. Pupils will build on previous knowledge gradually as their French lessons continue to recycle, revise and consolidate previously learnt language whilst building on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Pupils will be taught how to listen and read longer pieces of text gradually in French and they will have ample opportunities to speak, listen to, read and write in French with and without scaffolds, frames and varying levels of support. At Hillyfield Academy the three pillars of language learning (Phonics, Grammar and Vocabulary) are explicitly taught throughout KS2. A focus on Phonics and phonemic awareness in years 4-6 provides the basis for pronunciation and aid in speaking and listening and is explicitly taught at the beginning of the year and recapped each half term. Grammar is integrated and taught discreetly throughout all appropriate units using the Language Angels resources. The third pillar- Vocabulary is at the forefront of every French lesson at Hillyfield with students being able to recall and accurately use the topic specific vocabulary throughout all four language skills.

Through the use of Knowledge Organisers and yearly assessments all teachers at Hillyfield know where the student is at any point in their foreign language learning journey. A series of end of year group statements are used to assess the class and are passed onto the next year group to ensure the progression of the students’ language learning journey. Formative assessment is carried out throughout all lesson  via verbal feedback and whole class observations

In addition to the lessons provided in the Language Angels scheme of work and resources, year groups are required to explore and celebrate:
·       French themed school dinner day where the kitchen provides a French themed lunch and pupils studying food write the menu for the day.
·       Fashion shows demonstrating typical / traditional clothing from France/ French speaking countries.
·       Create a 3D model in the design and technology room of their home using their french vocabulary


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